foreign mission

美 [ˈfɔːrən ˈmɪʃn]英 [ˈfɒrən ˈmɪʃn]
  • 外交使团;外交大臣;外方传教机构
foreign missionforeign mission


a permanent diplomatic mission headed by a minister
Synonym: legation
an organization of missionaries in a foreign land sent to carry on religious work
Synonym: mission missionary post missionary station


  1. During the Second Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Mission , Gilbert volunteered to China as a missionary .


  2. The EU 's biggest foreign mission of policemen , judges and customs officials , known as EULEX , has been successfully scattered across the country , including its Serb-populated areas .


  3. Justus Doolittle ( 1824-1880 ) was an American sinologist and a missionary of The American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Mission ( ABCFM ) .


  4. All this , however , is foreign to the mission on which you sent me and will probably be very uninteresting to your severely practical mind .


  5. With the modernized progress of the Chinese reform and opening-up policy , the proportion data of Chinese furniture export trade is developing fast in our international trade . Large numbers of foreign furniture purchasing mission entered Chinese market for business opportunities .


  6. The British Foreign Secretary William Hague has visited the rebel-held Libyan city of Benghazi , the fourth such senior foreign mission there in a week .
